Shipping Remains Open

Shipping Remains Open

We know that this is a difficult and trying time for everyone, so the last thing we would want to do is add to any confusion or worry about what is going on. As far as our status, we are safely secured at home, where our office is located, on lockdown from the world. However, we can still ship safely and quickly. The only small change being possibly a short, 1 day delay due to the need for post office pick ups vs our daily run to the post office. We have to schedule these a day in advance, making same day shipping (our former standard) difficult. This should be such a minor change that most won't recognize a difference, but anyone who needs things in a hurry should email us for timing assurances. 

We also offer soaps, beauty essentials, comfy, home-school friendly clothing, and baubles to brighten your time at home. We will still be getting in new goods and making more exclusive jewelry, as we know this is something that we as humanity will get through together. We can also send gifts to those loved ones who you are distanced from. Email us if you want to put something special together! 

Most importantly, stay safe and healthy and smart! Together we will get through this.


The family at Witching Hour Baby

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1 comment

Love this! You are kicking ass! Love all the new stuff especially that seance robe!! Hope you are all well🖤🖤🖤🖤

Maria Pastrana-Sutterfield

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